
This is a piano trio led by bassist Marcus Penose. Marcus writes beautuful tunes and his playing is as pure and cliche-free as is possible.

The emphasis is on communication, and risk taking. Harmonic and rhythmic decisions are made as we play - i feel like I can play pretty much whatever I feel or hear and it will be considered in some way. It’s a beautiful band to be a part of.


‘‘I think it sounds fantastic. All three are playing beautifully. Great sounds, compositions and beautiful use of space. Very happy to have heard it‘‘....... Larry Grenadier

” There’s a sense that this trio are being completely true to their musical selves. It’s a beautiful album, to be listened to again and again”…… London Jazz News

Trio led by Bassist Marcus Penrose

Will Butterworth Piano

Marco Quarantotto Drums

New Album soon

Marcus Penrose Bass

Will Butterworth piano

Chris Nickolls Drums